
We will take all reasonable steps to store your personal information securely. After all, it is in our interests to make sure you feel confident shopping with us online. Only specially cleared team members in our Customer Service Centre and in Marketing, Finance and IT have access to our customers’ personal information. Their access is subject to strict controls and procedures. Our e-commerce sites use a security measure called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. SSL locks all your critical information in an encrypted envelope, making it extremely difficult for this information to be intercepted. Our SSL technology is the industry standard in Internet security. About cookies and what they tell us a cookie is a small amount of information sent from a web server to your computer when you use our web site. This information does not personally identify you. It simply tells us what areas of our site your computer has visited. It also tells us if you have selected a product and put it in your shopping basket, it does not tell us your personal identity unless you are registered with us. Other sites Spa Parts Online has no control over the privacy practices of sites that are linked to this site via hyperlinks or banner advertising. Please take care at all times to check whose site you are visiting. Direct marketing by mail and email If you no longer wish to receive promotional material please amend your preferences, if you no longer wish to receive promotional emails please unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the promotional email you have received.